Tag Archives: spose

Tips and advice for surviving and/or enjoying Old Port Fest 2015

The weekend of the Old Port Festival is upon us. Last year, when experiencing the festival by way of observing it through the lens of Instagram—which is my go-to mode for living life these days—I decided to no longer hate the annual street spectacle anymore. I had long held the festival to an unrealistic standard, […]

The Maine GOP is a successful, albeit soulless, machine

“Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it.” — Mark Twain You know, sometimes you produce a short documentary about an gubernatorial candidate that—unbeknownst to you—contains a song lyric that alludes to another elected official giving head. Then the GOP […]

State of the State: Spose, the Mallett Brothers and many more discuss The State Theater

Kyle Poissonnier, the sweet, enthusiastic, muscle-bound organizer of the upcoming State of the State II, invited me to sit in on an event production meeting a couple of weeks back. The event, which takes place at The State Theater on July 11th, is a much anticipated followup to last year’s nearly sold out event. The […]

13 Instagram photos that make me no longer want to cut the Old Port Festival

Like most sane adults, I do everything I can to avoid the Old Port Festival. When I lived in Portland, I would take the day off and leave the city, the same way I would leave town on St. Patrick’s Day when I lived in South Boston. Whenever the Old Port Festival comes up, I […]

Kyle Poissonnier discusses Katalyst, State of the State, and his overall outlook on everything

In addition to being known for his clothing brand Katalyst, Kyle Poissonnier organized State of the State—a sizable, multi-act concert event—at the State Theater last summer. State of the State will take place again this summer, and it is just one of the many projects Poissonnier has on his plate. Katalyst is launching a limited […]

Spose talks crowdfunding, All Rs, and engagement in the Facebook age

Here is Spose and me hanging out by a dumpster in Sanford. Surprisingly, I did not find those lady sunglasses in the dumpster. Note: There are some swears in here, though they are only the PG-13 kind so just relax already. This is the first post in my upcoming series of conversations with folks who […]

Consider this approach to being a focused crowd-funder

So the good news is that we live in this kind-of-amazing time where, thanks to the Internet, pretty much anyone can ask for money to do pretty much anything, and this is considered a legitimate way to subsidize the realization of great ideas. By way of crowd-funding Spose, like Spencer Albee did immediately before him, […]

Joe Ricchio on PumCaCa and The Food Coma Show

From his popular blog Food Coma to his editorship position at Maine Magazine’s Eat Maine, Joe Ricchio is a well known fixture in the Maine food scene. He recently started writing for Bon Appetit, and so, at long last, the influence of his already popular commentary on the national food scene is steadily growing. Along […]