Tag Archives: sam james

Talking the Zimmerman trial and “making things about race” with Samuel James

The following exchange is extracted from a conversation I had with Samuel James about the social media response to the Zimmerman case. I reached out to Sam because so much of the commentary I had seen online, particularly from within my immediate circles, sounded very much as if it was written by and for white […]

20 Portland Things For Which I am Thankful

Here are 20 Portland-y things I am thankful for. The Portland Public Library, YES Books, Longfellow Books, The Green Hand, Strange Maine, Casablanca Comics, and Coast City Comics for keeping us literate David Meiklejohn, Barry Dodd, Videoport (obviously) and the DIY film and video scene The wonderful, friendly, and beautiful staff folks at Local 188, […]

Interview: Samuel James, Part I [Videoport and Portland]

Samuel James is a well-respected, world-traveled, Portland-based Bluesman who was nominated for a Blues Music Award in 2010. I recently talked with James, who I have known since we were both scrappy mall rats, about the release of And for the Dark Road Ahead, his upcoming album. We ended up talking at great length about […]