Tag Archives: rights

On taking my 4-year-old daughter to Take Back the Night

I know women in my social circles who feel obligated to endure sexual harassment because they are positive that employers within their industries won’t hire women who take action. Between this truth, realities about unfair, uneven compensation, and the fact that there is an uncomfortably strong chance that a young woman will be sexually molested […]

Was ‘Messin’ With Cops’ an exercise in activism or self-absorbtion?

WARNING: Language This is Kendra Dulac and her vehicle. They are featured in what was to be a low budget documentary style film called Messin’ With Cops. According to this blog entry—in which Director Jason Sherman refers to himself in the third person—the movie is a mix of Jackass, Punk’d and Cops. They failed to […]

Post-2012: “Evolve, or don’t. Swallow your resentments, or don’t.”

I have guests visiting from Australia, and they asked what I believe what the gains of the 2012 election mean for the country. I told them that [creator of The Wire] David Simon summed up my feelings brilliantly: “Change is a motherf****r when you run from it… This election marks a moment in which the […]

On progress, appreciation, and getting back in the ring

Of the two outcomes that were most likely last night, I am elated that President Obama won a second term and, more importantly, that Governor Romney and his outmoded Reagan-revivalist vision of America lost. I am happy to have woken up in a state in which “gay marriage” is a concept that is off the […]