Tag Archives: gun control

Gun nuts make lousy lovers: Playboy, the 1960s, and the infancy of the modern gun debate

As I am wont to do, I picked up a number of old magazines at a flea market this weekend. In a batch of old issues of Playboy, I was interested to run into a few articles, observations and letters that helped illustrate the early days of what we now know to be the modern debate over gun laws. I […]

Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace

President Obama said, “We still believe that enduring security and lasting peace does not require perpetual war.” Unless you count drone warfare, of course. It reminded me of these lines from Desaparecidos’ song The Happiest Place on Earth: I got a letter from the Army so I think that I’ll enlist. I’m not brave or […]

Morgan Freeman probably didn’t say that thing everyone is saying he said.

The quotation is interesting, but without any indication of a credible source, Morgan Freeman did not say it. Some of the sentiment is well-worth sharing, considering and inserting into the national dialogue, but this Internet-aided tendency to attribute ideas to celebrities and other public figures against their wills as a means of disseminating ideas and […]