Instead of making another comment on Twitter or Facebook about the Hostess liquidation, consider getting out of the house tonight and checking out:
MEN at SPACE Gallery: Dude, definitely check this out. For some reason I was working at this awesome electronic music magazine back in 2007, and while I knew pretty much nothing about electronic music (sorry, management at said publication), I knew what I liked when I heard it. When JD Samson (then of Le Tigre) came out with this dance / electro / remix project (and their treatment of “Get Low”, I was totes sold. Since I worked at Big Shot, I got to talk with Samson (and then member / co-founder) Johanna Fateman) about the project, and she was all kinds of wondrous in that conversation. Bottom line: GO TO THIS SHOW. [Tonight, 8:00p, $10, SPACE Gallery]
The 13th Annual Royal Majesty Drag Competition: This bad boy [dressed as a girl] is an old favorite of mine. I started attending them when I attended the University of Southern Maine, and I went every one of the seven years it took me to complete getting a Bachelors Degree in political science. Mimi Imfurst will return this year to host the show she helped begin! [Tonight, 7:00p, $5 for students, $10 for regular people, Holiday Inn by the Bay]
Johnny Cremains CD Release Show: Of Cremains, Erik Neilson [of the Portland indie-rock band Rural Ghosts / Lorem Ipsum Recordings ] has said of Cremains: I first saw [him] on the night of my birthday about a year ago, and I’ve been a convert ever since. Cremains mix slow, heavy riffs with electric piano and cutting vocals to create one of the most unique sounds I’ve ever heard in Portland. Twisting song structures, dark imagery; it’s dramatic as hell, and I love it. Doug Porter (Covered in Bees, Confusatron, The Watchers) also happens to play guitar in this band, and is one of my favorite musicians on the planet. I’ve been fortunate enough to book Cremains as part of a “Lorem Ipsum Recordings Presents” event, and look forward to working with them again soon. [Saturday, 9:30p, I am not sure how much it costs, but it’s at Geno’s, so it probably won’t break the bank]